So yesterday I was not at school, but instead I visited one uni in Eastbourne, even if its a part of Brighton University. But no one didn't know that its a Chelsea School of Sport. :D Haha there were so ''many'' people who wanted to study sport, but I really enjoyed our trip. At first we saw some presentation about school, we were talking with students, looking on facilities, and saw accommodation ( which is soo good). Every student has own room and shower, only the kitchen is shared between 6 people. Just because of this student's life I would like to study in England. It's much more better than in Slovakia. They have so many activities and they all have so many friends and they never feel alone. This school has also a swimming pool, field, gym and many other interesting places. Then they were talking about the subjects, which were all about a sport. But they were talking sooo long, so after an hour and half I didn't perceive so much. Haha but the main point is that I wasn't at school. Today our holidays finally started and they will continue until next Sunday. :)
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Chelsea School of Sport
Takže včera som nebola v škole, ale namiesto toho som so školou navštívila jednu Univerzitu v Eastbourne, aj keď patrí k Brightonu. Keď som sa prihlásila, nikto nevedel, že sa jedná o Chelsea School of Sport. :D Samozrejme takmer nikto sa neplánuje venovať v budúcnosti športu, ale aj tak sa mi tá škola páčila. Najskôr sme videli nejakú prezentáciu o škole, pokecali so študentmi, pozreli si vybavenie, videli sme ubytovanie ( ktoré je mimochodom úplne super ). Každý má vlastnú izbu aj sprchu, len kuchyňu zdieľa 6 študentov. Aaach už len kvôli tomuto študentskému životu by som chcela študovať v Anglicku, pretože je to oveľa lepšie ako na Slovensku. Koná sa tam množstvo aktivít a všetci majú veľa kamarátov, takže nikdy nie sú sami. Okrem toho majú plaváreň, ihrisko, posilovňu a ešte veľa zaujímavých miest. Potom nám ešte rozprávali o predmetoch, ktoré sa samozrejme týkajú športu. Len oni tak dlho o tom rozprávali, že som po hodine a pol už vôbec nevnímala o čom sa rozpráva. Haha, ale aspoň som sa uliala zo školy. Dnes poobede sa nám začali aj prázdniny, ktoré trvajú až do budúcej nedele. :)
So yesterday I was not at school, but instead I visited one uni in Eastbourne, even if its a part of Brighton University. But no one didn't know that its a Chelsea School of Sport. :D Haha there were so ''many'' people who wanted to study sport, but I really enjoyed our trip. At first we saw some presentation about school, we were talking with students, looking on facilities, and saw accommodation ( which is soo good). Every student has own room and shower, only the kitchen is shared between 6 people. Just because of this student's life I would like to study in England. It's much more better than in Slovakia. They have so many activities and they all have so many friends and they never feel alone. This school has also a swimming pool, field, gym and many other interesting places. Then they were talking about the subjects, which were all about a sport. But they were talking sooo long, so after an hour and half I didn't perceive so much. Haha but the main point is that I wasn't at school. Today our holidays finally started and they will continue until next Sunday. :)
So yesterday I was not at school, but instead I visited one uni in Eastbourne, even if its a part of Brighton University. But no one didn't know that its a Chelsea School of Sport. :D Haha there were so ''many'' people who wanted to study sport, but I really enjoyed our trip. At first we saw some presentation about school, we were talking with students, looking on facilities, and saw accommodation ( which is soo good). Every student has own room and shower, only the kitchen is shared between 6 people. Just because of this student's life I would like to study in England. It's much more better than in Slovakia. They have so many activities and they all have so many friends and they never feel alone. This school has also a swimming pool, field, gym and many other interesting places. Then they were talking about the subjects, which were all about a sport. But they were talking sooo long, so after an hour and half I didn't perceive so much. Haha but the main point is that I wasn't at school. Today our holidays finally started and they will continue until next Sunday. :)
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