
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas shopping in Brighton

Dnes som bola už po 3x v Brightone! Na vianočných nákupoch. Na rozdiel od Eastbournu, je tu viac obchodov, sú väčšie a aj iné ako máme tu. Takže sa sem vždy rada vraciam. :) O pol desiatej sme sadli na autobus a za hodinu a trinásť minút sme boli na mieste. Najskôr sme išli do tradičných obchodov ako New Look, H&M, Primark, Topshop. Na obed sme mali burger v stánku pri nákupnom centre. Potom sme pokračovali v Hollisteri, Urban Outfiters a iné obchody, ktoré boli po ceste. A navyše som sa dnes stretla aj s mojou spolužiačkou Laurou, ktorá býva v Crowboroughu, tak sme si aspoň trocha pokecali. :)

Today I've been in Brighton for the third time! Because of the Christmas shopping. There are much more shops, they are bigger and different like in Eastbourne. So I am always so looking forward to this town. :) At half past nine we went on the bus and after a hour and 13 minutes we were in the centre. At first we were in our favourite shops like New Look, H&M, Primark, Topshop ... For lunch we had a burger in the small shop next to the shopping centre. Then we continued in Hollister, Urban Outfiters and other shops along the street. In addition I also met my classmate Laura which lives in Crowborough, so we were tlking together. :)
Vianočný cupcake so sobím prsteňom. Škoda že mi je malý. :D 
Christmas cupcake with the reindeer ring. But its small. :D

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