Takže prežila som fakt super Vianoce na Slovensku a už zajtra sa vraciam späť do Anglicka. Neviem či sa mám tešiť alebo plakať. Viem však jedno. Ten čas uplynul tak rýchlo, že si myslím, že sa ani nenazdám a môj pobyt sa skončí. Dúfam, že tento polrok bude lepší, ako ten minulý, plný nezabudnuteľných zážitkov. A viem, že som už dlho nepridala nič na blog, ale samozrejme zase začnem. :)
So I had a great Christmas in Slovakia and tomorrow I am going back to England. I don't know If I have to cry or be happy. But I know one thing. The time passed so quickly so I think that I won't realise and my staying will be at the end. I hope that this half of the year will be better than the last, full of unforgettable experiences. I know that I haven't been adding on blog so much, but of course I will start again. :)
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Last Day at school
Kedže som bola dnes posledný deň v škole tento rok, zobrala som si aj foťák. :)
Because I was today last time at school this year, I took my camera with me. :)
Amazing Day in London
Takže včera úžasný deň v Londýne. Autobus odchádzal o 7:00 takže sme prespali u Kristíny. Prvá zastávka bola pri London Eye, Big Ben a potom sme išli na prehliadku do House of Parliament. To bol fakt veľký zážitok vidieť to všetko naživo. Potom sme mali ale strašne veľa času, tak som si ja, Conny a Elina kúpili lístok na metro a povozili sme sa všelikde.
So yesterday was an amazing trip in London. We left at 7:00 so we slept in Kristina's house. The first stop was Lodon Eye, Big Ben and then we visited a House of Parliament. It was a really good experience to see all these things. Then we had a lots of time so me, Conny and Elina bought an underground ticket and we were on many places.
So yesterday was an amazing trip in London. We left at 7:00 so we slept in Kristina's house. The first stop was Lodon Eye, Big Ben and then we visited a House of Parliament. It was a really good experience to see all these things. Then we had a lots of time so me, Conny and Elina bought an underground ticket and we were on many places.
Prvý krát som navštívila aj obchodný dom Harrods, ktorý bol naozaj úžasný. :)
I was in Harrods for the first time, and it was so amazing. :)
Bola som aj v Hyde Parku, kde boli Vianočné trhy, klzisko, kolotoče a ešte veľa iných vecí. :)
I was in Hyde Park where was a Christmas market, ice rink, funfair and many other things. :)
Po dlhom hľadaní sme našli aj M&M's world.
After a long time we finally found M&M's world.
Cavent Garden
+ bonus picture from Conny
Friday, December 9, 2011
Ben&Jerry's Ice Cream
Konečne víkend! Dnes sme mali len prvé dve hodiny a potom som mohla ísť domov. Takže super. Zastavila som sa aj v Eastbourne Arndale Centre, ale na to, že je piatok, tam bolo ľudí ako v sobotu. Zastavila som sa v Sainsbury's aby som si konečne nabila mobil, a kúpila som si aj zmrzlinu Ben&Jerry's lebo bola v akcii! Voľno sa nemohlo lepšie začať! :)
Finally a weekend! Today we had just first two periods at school so then I could go home. Thats great. I was also in Eastbourne Arndale Centre, but there were plenty of people even if its just friday! So I went just to Sainsbury's to top up my phone and I bought the best Ben&Jerry's icecream because it was in sale! So the week couldn't start better! :)
Finally a weekend! Today we had just first two periods at school so then I could go home. Thats great. I was also in Eastbourne Arndale Centre, but there were plenty of people even if its just friday! So I went just to Sainsbury's to top up my phone and I bought the best Ben&Jerry's icecream because it was in sale! So the week couldn't start better! :)
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Ice skating in Tunbridge Wells
Tak za prvé. Dnes som zase zaspala!!! Ale riadne. Mala som len 15 minút na všetko a nemala som raňajky. :/ Našťastie som stihla iný autobus a do školy som prišla tak akurát. Neviem prečo, ale všetky hodiny dnes nejako rýchlo prešli. A poobede sme sa išli korčuľovať do Tunbridge Wells. Klzisko bolo vonku, ale bolo dosť malé. :/ A navyše sme sa korčuľovali strašne málo. Asi len 40 minút, lebo potom povedali, že končíme, pritom ostatní ľudia sa korčuľovali už predtým, ako sme my prišli. Ale tak čo už.
So at first. I fell asleep!! But REALLY. I had just 15 minutes for everything and I didn't have a breakfast. :/ But I caught another bus so I wasn't late. I don't know why, but all lessons today passed so quickly. And in the afternoon we went ice skating to Tunbridge Wells. But the ice rink was so small and we weren't skating so long. I think just 40 minutes because the people said that its the end of our section even if all other people have been already skating before we came. :)
So at first. I fell asleep!! But REALLY. I had just 15 minutes for everything and I didn't have a breakfast. :/ But I caught another bus so I wasn't late. I don't know why, but all lessons today passed so quickly. And in the afternoon we went ice skating to Tunbridge Wells. But the ice rink was so small and we weren't skating so long. I think just 40 minutes because the people said that its the end of our section even if all other people have been already skating before we came. :)
Monday, December 5, 2011
Christmas are coming
December ešte ani poriadne nezačal a my už od včerajška máme vianočný stromček. :D Ale tak nevadí no. Však Vianoce sú tu už čoskoro. :P
We are just in the beginning of December but we have a Christmas tree since yesterday. :D But never mind. Christmas will be there so soon. :P
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Christmas shopping in Brighton
Dnes som bola už po 3x v Brightone! Na vianočných nákupoch. Na rozdiel od Eastbournu, je tu viac obchodov, sú väčšie a aj iné ako máme tu. Takže sa sem vždy rada vraciam. :) O pol desiatej sme sadli na autobus a za hodinu a trinásť minút sme boli na mieste. Najskôr sme išli do tradičných obchodov ako New Look, H&M, Primark, Topshop. Na obed sme mali burger v stánku pri nákupnom centre. Potom sme pokračovali v Hollisteri, Urban Outfiters a iné obchody, ktoré boli po ceste. A navyše som sa dnes stretla aj s mojou spolužiačkou Laurou, ktorá býva v Crowboroughu, tak sme si aspoň trocha pokecali. :)
Today I've been in Brighton for the third time! Because of the Christmas shopping. There are much more shops, they are bigger and different like in Eastbourne. So I am always so looking forward to this town. :) At half past nine we went on the bus and after a hour and 13 minutes we were in the centre. At first we were in our favourite shops like New Look, H&M, Primark, Topshop ... For lunch we had a burger in the small shop next to the shopping centre. Then we continued in Hollister, Urban Outfiters and other shops along the street. In addition I also met my classmate Laura which lives in Crowborough, so we were tlking together. :)
Vianočný cupcake so sobím prsteňom. Škoda že mi je malý. :D
Christmas cupcake with the reindeer ring. But its small. :D
Thursday, December 1, 2011
1. December
1. December! A ja mám konečne adventný kalendár! :D Ha takže prvá čokoláda je už zjedená.
1. December! And I have finally my advent calendar! :D So the first chocolate have been already eaten. :P
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