Dnes bol voľný deň kvôli štrajku učiteľov, takže som mohla spať oveľa dlhšie ako normálne. V stredu by mohlo byť vždy voľno haha. :D ... Poobede sme išli do mesta. Obed už tradične v Mekáči - Cheesburger. O 15:30 sme sa stretli s Marie a išli sme po dlhom čase opäť do Starbucksu, kedže som chela vianočný pohárik do zbierky. Dala som si Gingerbread latte. Potom sme boli ešte v Lush a Primarku, ale nič extra som nekúpila, lebo čakám na sobotu kedže ideme do Brightonu. Chceli sme si zohnať aj adventný kalendár, však zajtra je už 1. Decembra, ale všetky pekné sú už vypredané a majú len tie šaredé bez vianočného motíva. :/ Pobehali sme množstvo obchodov ale všade mali len tie škaredé. Takže nemáme adventný. :( Hádam nejaký zoženieme zajtra!!
Today was a free day because of the strike of the teachers so I could sleep much more longer. It could be a free day every Wednesday. :D .. In the afternoon we went to the town. We had traditionally lunch in McDonald - my favourite cheesburger. At 15:30 we met with Marie and after a long time we went finally to Starbucks, because I wanted to have a christmas cup for my collection. I had a gingerbread latte. Then we were also in Lush and Primark, but I didnt buy anything special because on Saturday we are going to Brighton for a Christmas shopping. We also wanted to buy an advent calendar, cause tomorrow is 1st December. UNBELIEVABLE!! But all the nice calendars were already solded out and everywehere were just calendars without christmas motive. :( So we still havent had an calendar but I hope that we will find some nice tomorrow!!
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