Yesterday I was on a school trip in Belgium town called Brugges. I had to get up at 4:45 but fortunately a minibus came to take us to school. The way was really long, but we went through the chanel tunel under the sea. Our bus entered a big train so we could go out of the bus.
Keď sme už konečne dorazili, najskôr sme si urobili malú obhliadku mesta a vošli sme aj do jedného z kostolov.
When we finally came, at first we had a little walk around the town and we went also to the one of the churches.
Po prehliadke sme mali asi 2 hodiny voľno, takže som nemohla vynechať typické obchody z Belgickou čokoládov, ktoré boli takmer na každom rohu a ja som sa na tie čokolády nevedela vynadívať. :D Samozrejme, že som si nejaké aj kúpila, ale tie si radšej ušetrím. A ešte jednou z typických vecí sú aj wafle, tak som si dala jednu s čokoládou.
Then we had a free time, so we went to amazing shops with Belgian chocolate which were almost everywhere. And of course I bought some for me as well. :D One of the typical things are also waffles so I bought one with chocolate.
Asi najlepšia časť celého výletu bolo, že sme sa aj my odviezli loďkou po kanáli a mali sme aspoň pekný výhľad na mesto.
The best thing of the trip was, that we went also on the boat which goes through the water canal, so we had a nice view on the town.
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Výlet sa mi veľmi páčil, takže vôbec neľutujem, že som tam išla. Síce ma na ceste domov bolelo trochu brucho, ale aj tak som to zvládla. A najlepší pocit bol, keď som si konečne ľahla do postele. :D