Ach jaj!! Tento týždeň prešiel tak rýchlo a zajtra sa ide opäť do školy. :/ A zároveň začína aj môj tretí mesiac v Anglicku. Nuž čo, teraz sa budem zase tešiť na Vianočné prázdniny. :P
OMG!! This week passed so quickly and tomorrow we are going to school again. :/ It's also the beginning of my third month in England. Now I have to look forward to Christmas holidays. :P
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
B-Day Party
A dnes bola aj druhá párty a to mojej malej hostsestry. Narodeniny mala v pondelok ale párty bola dnes v Sovereign centre. Normálne je to centrum s bazénom a posilovňou, ale párty bola vo veľkej telocvični. Uprostred bol veľký nafukovací hrad a množstvo iných hračiek, takže deti mali o zábavu postarané. Na stole bolo jedlo prinesené z domu ako napríklad chicken nuggets, zelenina, chrumky a cupcakes, ktoré urobila moja hostmama. Takže tie som aj najviac pofotila, lebo sú hrozne fotogenické. :D
And today was the second party - B-Day party of my small hostsister. Her birtdhday was on Monday but party was today in Eastbourne Sovereign centre. It's normally centre with pool and gym, but the party was in the big hall. In the middle was inflatable castle and lots of toys so it was good for all children. On the table was homemade food like chicken nuggets, vegetable, sausages and cupcakes made by my hostmum. So I have most pictures of them because they are so photogenic.
And today was the second party - B-Day party of my small hostsister. Her birtdhday was on Monday but party was today in Eastbourne Sovereign centre. It's normally centre with pool and gym, but the party was in the big hall. In the middle was inflatable castle and lots of toys so it was good for all children. On the table was homemade food like chicken nuggets, vegetable, sausages and cupcakes made by my hostmum. So I have most pictures of them because they are so photogenic.
Halloween party
Včera večer sme ja aj moja hostsestra boli pozvané na Halloween party, ktorá bola v záhrade jednej baby z našej školy. Na stole bolo položené pitie a jej rodičia grilovali hot-dogy. Museli sme prísť v nejakej maske a kedže sme kostým nemali, nafarbili sme si len tvár.
Yesterday evening were me and my hostsister on one Halloween party, which was in the garden of one girl in our school. On the table were drinks and her parents made a hot-dogs. We had to come in some mask, but we just painted our faces.
Yesterday evening were me and my hostsister on one Halloween party, which was in the garden of one girl in our school. On the table were drinks and her parents made a hot-dogs. We had to come in some mask, but we just painted our faces.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Second Day in London
Tak a dnes som už po druhý krát bola v Londýne. Ráno na vlak a po hodine a pol na Victoria station. Opäť sme si kúpili lístok na metro. Naša prvá zastávka bola pri Tower Bridge a Tower of London.
So today I was in London for the second time. We were travelling by train again in the morning so after an hour and half we were on Victoria station. We also bought an underground tickets. Our firts stop was Tower Bridge and Tower of London.
So today I was in London for the second time. We were travelling by train again in the morning so after an hour and half we were on Victoria station. We also bought an underground tickets. Our firts stop was Tower Bridge and Tower of London.
Po ďalšej ceste metrom sme sa dostali k Big Benu a London Eye.
After another way by an underground we came into the Big Ben and London Eye.
A potom nasledovala obchodná ulica Oxford street. Fakt nemôžem uveriť koľko obchodov tam bolo, hlavne rôzne iné ako máme my doma. Všade plno ludí, ktorí sa prehrabávali v oblečení, takže som ani nemala chuť si niečo pozerať. Každý obchod mal minimálne 2 veľké poschodia a každá vec, ktorá sa mi páčila stála viac ako 20 libier. Najhorší obchod bol Primark, v ktorom som sa musela až predierať. Nakoniec najlepšia vec, ktorú som mohla urobiť bolo ísť preč. :D Najlepší obchod bol však na záver - Abercrombie & Fitch. Zvonka vôbec nevyzerá ako obchod ale niečo oveľa lepšie a keď vojdete dnu, pri vchode sa môžete odfotiť s fešným chlapom. :D ... Po ôsmich hodinách chodenia som si konečne sadla do vlaku naspäť.
And then we continued on Oxford street. I can't believe that there were so many shops, mainly other than we have at home. Everywhere are lots of people which are looking on clothes, so I didn't have any taste to look for something for me. Every shop had almost 2 big floors and every thing which I liked was expensive. The worst shop was Primark. I have never seen bigger shop. I had to wade through all the crazy people so the best thing I could do was go back from the shop. :D The best shop was at the end - Abercrombie & Fitch. It doesn't look like a shop from outside and when you come inside, you can take a picture with one pretty guy. :D ...after 8 hours of walking I finally sat in the train back to Eastbourne.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
First Day in London
Aj keď sa mi to nejako nezdá ... dnes som po prvý krát bola v Londýne. :) A nielen tak. Išla som dokonca na muzikál We Will Rock You. Ráno sme nasadli do vlaku a po hodine a pol sme konečne vystúpili na Victoria station. Pred muizikálom sme mali chvílu čas, tak sme si išli kúpiť lístky na metro. Nebola som v Londýne ešte ani 5 minút a už som sa viezla metrom. Našťastie som so sebou mala svoju hostsestru, ktorá všetko riadila. Haha ani sme sa nestratili. Naša prvá zastávka bola v Lomography obchode. Tam som hned zbadala foťák, ktorý som chcela, tak som ho rovno kúpila. Potom sme sa presunuli do Candy Cake's shopu, kde sme si kúpili fakt super muffin.
I still can't believe but ..... today I was in London for the first time. :) But for a good reason. I was on a musical We Will Rock You. We went to our train in the morning and after hour and half we were on the Victoria station. We had some free time before musical so we bought a tickets for underground. I wasn't in London even in a five minutes and I was travelling by underground. But fortunately my lovely hostsiter was with me so she took me everywhere. Haha and we didn't lost. Our first stop was in Lomography shop, where I bought one camera. Then we were in Candy Cake's shop on muffin, which was so delicious.
I still can't believe but ..... today I was in London for the first time. :) But for a good reason. I was on a musical We Will Rock You. We went to our train in the morning and after hour and half we were on the Victoria station. We had some free time before musical so we bought a tickets for underground. I wasn't in London even in a five minutes and I was travelling by underground. But fortunately my lovely hostsiter was with me so she took me everywhere. Haha and we didn't lost. Our first stop was in Lomography shop, where I bought one camera. Then we were in Candy Cake's shop on muffin, which was so delicious.
Potom sme zase nasadli na metro tentoraz smer Hyde park. Dôvod bol jasný - Hard Rock Cafe. Vnútri sme neboli iba v obchode. Konečne sme si kúpili Hard Rock Cafe tričko.
Then we took an underground again to Hyde park. And the reason was clear - Hard Rock Cafe. We weren't inside just in the store. Finally we bought the Hard Rock Cafe T-Shirt.
A potom zase moje milované metro tentoraz smer miesto kde bol muzikál. Hneď pri vchode bol obrovský nápis a socha Freddyho Mercuryho. Vnútri to bolo veľmi pekné. Sedeli sme na prízemí a celkom dobre som videla lebo som bola v uličke. Dosť ma prekvapilo, že v divadle predávali jedlo a pitie, ktoré ľudia mohli jesť počas predstavenia. Muzikál bol úžasný, asi najlepší aký som doteraz videla. S oveľa lepšími efektami ako máme na Slovensku. :D Haha na konci sme samozrejme všetci mali ruky nad hlavami keď sa spievali najznámejšie pesničky ako We Will Rock You a We Are The Champions. Po obrovských ováciách sme mohli konečne tento kultúrny zážitok poriadne stráviť. Na obed sme sa stavili v Burger Kingu.
And then we had to go by undeground again to the place of the musical. In the front was a big title and statue of Freddy Mercury. The interier was really nice. We were sitting in the ground floor and I had a good view because I was sitting in the gangway. I was so surprised that we could by a food and drink that we could normally eat during the play. But the musical was amazing I think that the best I have ever seen. With better effects than in Slovakia. :D Haha at the end our hands was in the air because they were singing the most popular songs like We Will Rock You and We Are The Champions. Then was a big applaus because of the great singers and actors. After that we had lunch in Burger King.
Po muzikáli sme mali opäť čas, tak sme sa zase metrom odviezli na Covent Garden kde bol veľký trh s rôznymi obchodami. Potom ešte Picadilly Circus s Regent street. Boli sme fakt vo všelijakých obchodoch a najviac ma asi zaujalo obrovské hračkárstvo so 6timi poschodiami. Haha škoda že už nie som malé dieťa. :P
After musical we had a free time again so we had to take an undground again to Covent garden where was a big market with lots of shops. Then the Picadilly Circus and Regent Street. I really like the big Toy Store with 6 floors. :P
Vlastne som si tento deň ani neužila pretože som väčšinu času strávila v metre, radšej ani nebudem počítať koľko krát. :D Haha v tom metre bolo fakt veľa ľudí, ktorí sa všetci ponáhľali. Zajtra musím konečne vidieť aj nejaké pamiatky a oxford street!! :)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Great trip in Brighton
Tak mám za sebou prvý prázdninový výlet, ktorý bol v Brightone. Ráno sme nasadli do autobusu a výlet sa mohol začať. Vystúpili sme v centre mesta, takže do obchodov sme mali blízko. Najskôr sme boli v New Looku, H&M, Topshope, Primarku a potom v shopping centre v Hollisteri, Disney store,Pineapple a úžasný obchod Urban Outfiters. Na obed sme si kúpili beefburger, ktorý predávali v stánku na ulici. Potom sme v našej ceste pokračovali. Peacocks, obchod s gitarami, Lomography shop, American Apparel ...
Today was our first holiday trip in Brighton. We went on the bus in the morning and the trip could start. We got off in the town centre, so all the shops were really close. At first we were in New Look, H&M, Topshop, Primark and then in shopping centre in Hollister, Disney store, Pineapple and the best shop Urban Outfitters. On the lunch we had beefburger from the shop on the street. Then we continued in our shopping. Peacocks, Guittar Shop, Zoingimages shop, American Apparel ...
Then we went to the pier, where was a big Brighton wheel. Yes of course we had to go on it although it wasn't very cheap. But we had a nice view. :)
Today was our first holiday trip in Brighton. We went on the bus in the morning and the trip could start. We got off in the town centre, so all the shops were really close. At first we were in New Look, H&M, Topshop, Primark and then in shopping centre in Hollister, Disney store, Pineapple and the best shop Urban Outfitters. On the lunch we had beefburger from the shop on the street. Then we continued in our shopping. Peacocks, Guittar Shop, Zoingimages shop, American Apparel ...
Zastavili sme sa aj pri Royal Pavilióne.
One stop in Royal Pavilion.
Potom sme sa vybrali k mólu, kde bolo postavené výhliadkové koleso. Samozrejme že sme sa museli odviesť aj keď lacné to teda nebolo. Mali sme aspoň pekný výhľad na Brighton. :)Then we went to the pier, where was a big Brighton wheel. Yes of course we had to go on it although it wasn't very cheap. But we had a nice view. :)
Najlepší MilkShake v Brightone - Moo Moo's Shake. :)
The Best Milkshake in Brighton - Moo Moo's Shake. :)
Na koniec sme boli ešte v nejakých suvenírových obchodoch, Jack Wills a Lush, kde nám dali vyskúšať jeden sprchový gél, ktorý tak dobre voňal, že si ho asi nabudúce kúpim. :D
At the end we were in some souvenir shops, Jack Will and Lush, where we tried one shower gel, which had an amazing smell so I will probably buy it next time. :D
My shopping↓
Monday, October 24, 2011
Happy B-Day Aaliyah
Dnes mala moja malá hostsestra 4 roky!! :) Všetko Najlepšie!!
Today is my small hostsister's B-Day!! :) She is now 4. Happy Birthday!!
Today is my small hostsister's B-Day!! :) She is now 4. Happy Birthday!!
Chloe and B-Day girl Aaliyah
Lovely Cupcakes !! ♥
I Love Holidays
Tento týždeň nejdem do školy lebo sú prázdniny!! Čo viac si môžem priať? :D A som prekvapená, že konečne je čo robiť cez tieto voľné dni. Dnes má moja hostsestra narodeniny - 4 roky tak bude celý dom preplnený gratulantmi. Zajtra sa chystáme už 2x do Brightonu a potom po prvý krát uvidím Londýn!! V stredu pôjdem dokonca na muzikál We Will Rock You a štvrtok na shopping. Už máme vyhliadnuté obchody tak sa hrozne teším, lebo my také doma nemáme. Piatok pravdepodobe pôjdem navštíviť spolužiačku do Crowboroughu a cez víkend možno Halloween Party a narodeninová párty mojej malej hostsestry. Ako sami vidíte, nudiť sa určite nebudem. :P Samozrejme, že sem pridám všetky fotky, ktoré spravím! :)
I am not going to school this week because we have October break!! What more can I wish?? :D And I am really surprised that finally there are lots of things to do through this free days. Today is my small hostsister's B-Day so the house will be full of people to say Happy Birthday. Tomorrow we are going to Brighton / second time / and then I will see London for the first time in my life!!! On Wednesday is musical We Will Rock You and then on Thursday big London Shopping. There are lots of shops to visit because we don't have them. :) On Friday I will probably go visit my classmate to Crowborough and through weekend is maybe Halloween Party and my hostsister's B-Day Party. :P So as you can see it won't be a boring holidays. I will post there some pictures too. :)
I am not going to school this week because we have October break!! What more can I wish?? :D And I am really surprised that finally there are lots of things to do through this free days. Today is my small hostsister's B-Day so the house will be full of people to say Happy Birthday. Tomorrow we are going to Brighton / second time / and then I will see London for the first time in my life!!! On Wednesday is musical We Will Rock You and then on Thursday big London Shopping. There are lots of shops to visit because we don't have them. :) On Friday I will probably go visit my classmate to Crowborough and through weekend is maybe Halloween Party and my hostsister's B-Day Party. :P So as you can see it won't be a boring holidays. I will post there some pictures too. :)
Thursday, October 20, 2011
First Music performance
Konečne to mám za sebou!! Moje prvé spevácke vystúpenie v škole. :D Prísť mohol, kto chcel takže v obecenstve boli hlavne ostatní z EF a nejaký Angličania. Spievala som 2 pesničky. Jedno sólo - Adele - Someone Like You a potom skupinovú pieseň s ostatnými dievčatami z Music - I Hate This Part od Pussy Cat Dolls. Nakoniec to myslím všetko dobre dopadlo a už sa môžme tešiť na ďalšie vystúpenie, ktoré bude v novembri.
I finally did it!! My first Music performance at school. :D Everyone could come so in the audience were mostly people from EF and some English. I sang 2 songs. One solo performance - Adele - Someone Like You and then ensemble song with other girls from my Music class - I Hate This Part from Pussy Cat Dolls. I think that finally it was really good and we can look forward for our next performance in November.
I finally did it!! My first Music performance at school. :D Everyone could come so in the audience were mostly people from EF and some English. I sang 2 songs. One solo performance - Adele - Someone Like You and then ensemble song with other girls from my Music class - I Hate This Part from Pussy Cat Dolls. I think that finally it was really good and we can look forward for our next performance in November.
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